8 Ford Edge Locking Problems (Solved & Explained)

The Ford Edge is a handsome mid-size SUV.

Like any car, it can develop problems with the door and liftgate locks.

In this article we’ll look at the most common Edge locking problems and how to fix them.

1. Ford Edge Power Locks Not Working

If all the power door locks aren’t working on your Ford Edge there are some very common causes.

Key Fob Battery

A low key fob battery can cause a wide range of issues, especially with central locking. It is also possible the fob is faulty or may need reprogramming.

  • Change the battery in your key fobs.
  • Buy a good quality battery and insert the correct way up.
  • Whilst the fob is open clean the inside with electronic contact cleaner and a cotton swab.

“When was the last time you replaced your fob batteries? And the car battery?” – FordEdgeForum.com

Blown Fuse

A blown fuse can cause issues with the power door locks.

  • Find the fuse box diagram for you model year Edge
  • Find the fuses related to the power lock doors and BCM
  • Test across the fuse with a continuity tester
  • If the fuse is still ok, you should hear a “beep”.
  • Or, you can pull the fuse and inspect the metal strip, it should be intact

Bad Ground or Electrical Wiring Issue

A bad ground wire can cause a number of electrical issues including issues with the power lock doors.

You will need to locate the ground wire for the door switches and ensure it is not damaged and is connected properly.

A damaged wire or loose connection can cause similar problems.

The best thing to do is have your dealer run some scans and inspect your Edge.

“Probably water related. But could be many things. As two doors are involved, probably grounding-related. Try checking the wire bundle at both door jambs. These flex and it may be possible that one or more may have frayed causing a ground from water from the car wash. “ – FordEdgeForum.com

12V Battery

A faulty or weak 12V battery can cause a wide range of problems including those related to the power locks.

  • The best thing to do is to have a battery health check or simply replace the battery.
  • Be sure to check the battery connections are tight and free from rust, dirt and grime.

Tip: You can try disconnecting the battery for 15 minutes, this can sometimes clear electrical glitches.

“I went to two different dealers, and they both said they didn’t see any codes and they kind of did some basic checks and couldn’t find out the issue. After I got home I made an appointment with an independent mechanic and asked them to replace the battery in my vehicle since it was almost 2 1/2 years old, I have not had the issue since everything works just fine with replacing the car battery.” – FordEdgeForum.com

Bad Body Contol Module

A faulty body control module can cause a wide range of issues including problems with the power lock doors.

  • The BCM is in charge of electrical communication from different electronic systems.
  • This includes the car alarm system, lock-unlock functions, climate control etc.

Your dealer can run some diagnostics tests on your BCM to ensure it is working correctly, it may need to be reprogrammed or replaced.

“I would guess BCM also at this point especially since it’s happening on 3 different doors intermittently.” – FordEdgeForum.com

Broken or Damaged Relay

A door lock relay is an electromagnetic switch that uses minimal electric power to turn a bigger current on and off.

The central part of a relay is a wire coil that turns into a magnet when current passes through it.

  • On many Edge models the relays are internal to the BCM.
  • One controls the driver’s door, one controls the passenger front and both rear doors.
  • If they are not working they can cause locking/unlocking problems

If you have a damaged relay then the door will not receive the voltage it requires to unlock.

Check Recalls

There have been a number of recalls on the Edge and some are specifically for power door locks.

Run a VIN check and make sure your Edge is up to date with recalls.

Door Lock Actuator

Door lock actuators are subject to a lot of wear and tear and are prone to failure.

There’s an actuator at each door – that means a faulty actuator will only affect a single lock.

Thus, if all the other locks work, the problem lies elsewhere.

Related: Ford Edge Alarm Going Off? (8 Causes & Solutions)

2. Ford Edge Door Not Locking Or Unlocking

If you have a single door not locking or unlocking on your Edge here are some likely causes.

Faulty Door Lock Actuator

If you have a single door that’s not locking properly then most of the time this is caused by a problem with the actuator

If you don’t hear the actuator then it has completely failed or the wiring harness has come loose.

To be certain you’ll need to remove the door panel.

Replacing an actuator is fairly straightforward if you are mechanically inclined and there are lots of tutorials online for this.

Signs of a bad door actuator include:

  • Strange electric motor noises
  • Keeps unlocking on its own
  • Becomes harder to move by hand
  • Door doesn’t latch closed properly

“It could be the actuator (motor) has died, the wiring to it may be disconnected or the linkage could be broken. Can you hear the actuator working when you put your ear on the door? if yes, then it’s the linkage. If no, it’s one of the first two things all of these will require you to take off the door panel and have a look. It’s not that tough of a job if you’re used to working on cars. otherwise any mechanic should be able to do it.” – FordEdgeForum.com

Broken or Damaged Wiring

A common cause of the drivers door lock not working is a broken or chafed wire.

  • Because the drivers door is opened far more often than any of the other doors the wires are exposed to more movement.
  • Check where the wires come out of the front fender, where they enter the door.
  • Wiggle the wires to try to get the lock to work to confirm the diagnosis.

Damaged or Dirty Lock Cylinder

The lock cylinder on the door can become filled with dirt and grime and cause locking issues. It’s worth giving the door lock cylinder a clean and some lube.

If you cannot insert your key into the cylinder or turn the key in the cylinder then this can also indicate that the door cylinder is damaged.

It can also be a worn key, so you may want to try out a spare key.

“This also happened to me. My key fobs would not respond and unlock my vehicle. The manual keys would not unlock the door. The dealership told me it was caused by “vandals” whom shoved something in the key hole and broke/damaged the outer door’s cylinder internally. About $500 to fix.” – FordEdgeForum.com

“I had the same issue on my 2011 MKX. Lubed up the key and lock with WD40, worked it back and forth. Them boom it opened no issues.” – FordEdgeForum.com

Improper Use Of Door Touch Unlock

Door lock issues can sometimes be resolved by being more diligent with the touch unlock.

  • To unlock, touch the inside of the door handle.
  • To lock, touch the raised/ribbed area on top of the door handle.

Also, pay attention to where the fob is in relation to the door – the fob might be too far from the sensor.

Other Common Causes

  • Water damage
  • Blown fuse
  • Power lock issue
  • Something blocking the doors mechanism
  • Latch needs cleaning and/or lubrication
  • Worn out or faulty locks
  • Electrical wiring fault
  • Faulty solenoid

3. Ford Edge Door Not Opening

If you can’t get a door to open on your Ford Edge then this can be caused by a broken, rusted or dirty latch.

You can try opening the door from the inside, otherwise you will need to contact your dealer or local mechanic.

If you do manage to get the door open inspect for rust, clean the door latch and apply some lubrication such as WD-40.

4. Ford Edge Liftgate Not Locking

There are a number of causes why your Edge liftgate might not be locking.

Faulty Actuator

The most common cause is a faulty actuator, replacing the actuator should solve the problem. However, it is important to also check that the actuator is receiving voltage.

Here’s what a Ford Mechanic had to say at JustAnswer.com

“If the display in the instrument cluster constantly reads liftgate ajar, then the problem is the liftgate latch. The door ajar switch and the power door lock actuator is all part of the latch assembly.”

They were then advised to replace the latch assembly.

Latch & Striker Issues

One Ford Edge owner reported that his liftgate would not close due to the latch and striker and also the bumper guide on one side of the strike plate being cracked in half, causing the whole liftgate to be shifted about slightly towards the passenger side.

The issue was resolved, as detailed below:

“Yes, with the new striker plate adjusted properly it now closes more easily. It’s not 100% perfect, especially when parked on our driveway that curves and slopes.” – FordEdgeForum.com

Another owner who was struggling with their Ford Edge liftgate ajar warning not turning off traced the problem back to the striker with the help of an online Ford Mechanic.

“You were correct that slamming it bent something. It was the metal under the striker hook preventing it from staying up high enough to fully latch. I was able to macgyver something to hold the striker in position.” – JustAnswer.com

Liftgate Latch Is Obstructed Or Needs Lubrication

If the Liftgate isn’t locking try spraying some WD-40 into the latch mechanism.

Ensure there is nothing obstructing the latch and give it a good clean too.

Other Causes

  • Bad key fob or 12V battery
  • Bad ground
  • Loose electrical wire
  • Faulty BCM

Related: Ford Edge Beeping Problems? (6 Causes & Solutions)

5. Ford Edge Liftgate Not Unlocking

Disable & Re-Enable Power Liftgate

A number of Edge owners have been able to resolve their power liftgate problems by simply going into vehicle settings, disabling the power liftgate and then re-enabling it.

Here’s what owners had to say on CarGurus.com:

“We also has problem with 2017 Ford Edge Titanium power hatch. Closed would not open, it would try to open, but acted like it was latched. Scrolled on dash for vehicle menu setting for vehicle powerliftgate. Disabled switch then renabled switch. Seems to be working alright for now. Hope this helps someone else later.”

“Thanks disable/enable under settings power lift gate worked! Dealer wanted to charge me $185! Thanks guys!”

“All I had to do was use the menu on the left side of the dash.. Go to Vehicle settings then Power Liftgate… I disabled it, waited 5 seconds then enabled it. I walked around to the back and pressed the button and the liftgate opened. The button didn’t close it so I repeated the procedure and now I’m good”

Actuator Failed

A Ford Edge liftgate that won’t unlock is often caused by a failed actuator. If you’re mechanically inclined you can buy a replacement part online and fit it yourself otherwise it’s best to visit your dealership.

Another common cause is the latch is broken – this is especially true if you cannot get the liftgate to open.

12V Battery

If you have a weak 12V battery this can cause a number of issues including issues with the power liftgate.

“This happened to me and it was my battery — a quick switch to a new one and bam it worked! The mechanic I used said that when the battery gets below a certain number it will only send power to the more important parts of the vehicle — thats how he broke it down for me to understand, lol. Hope it works for you!” – CarGurus.com

“I have 2017 edge. I can confirm the battery. I left the lift slightly open overnight. In the morning the battery was dead. I got a boost, the car started but the display screen and its functions were dark. I thought the same thing; when the battery is low the car will use power to the most critical components. Once I replaced the battery all worked as normal” – CarGurus.com

Blown Fuse

A blown fuse is another common cause, you will need to check the fuse diagram for your specific model year truck, locate the Liftgate fuse and test the fuse with a continuity tester.

It can also be caused by a failed relay or a wiring issue.

6. Ford Edge Keeps Unlocking Itself

If your Ford Edge keeps unlocking itself here are the most common causes:

  • Damaged or broken wires
  • Low 12V battery
  • Low key fob battery
  • Faulty key fob
  • BCM faulty
  • Electrical interference – HAM radios, overhead powerlines etc.
  • Water damage
  • Bad ground

You may have some kind of electrical bug or glitch. You can try disconnecting the battery for 15 minutes and see if that clears it.

7. Ford Edge Keeps Locking or Unlocking Itself

Faulty Key Fob

Your key fob might be faulty or damaged, in which case it will need to be re-programmed, repaired or replaced. You can ask your dealer to test the fob for you.

“We have figured out the issue with the help of all and some brainstorming.. Bad Key Fob. I changed the batteries out a few days ago which was fine but I did not take the whole key fob apart. Sat down with a adult beverage and let the thinking begin. I took a part both Key Fobs to clean them and the contacts to see if one had shown any signs of corrosion on the circuit board. To my disbelief the metal contacts that is glued to the rubber button (unlock & lock) has came off and was siting on the board. Causing it to randomly unlock & lock. So looks like I might need to buy a new keyfob.” – FordEdgeForum.com

12V Battery & Key Fob Battery

Low batteries can cause strange behavior in any vehicle. Ensure the key fob battery and 12V are healthy.

“It could be as simple as the battery in the fobs or the vehicle battery itself.  Weird behavior is typical of a battery starting to give out.  Check cold cranking amps, not just voltage.  Tho typically a Battery Saver message comes on Sync if the battery is failing.” – FordEdgeForum.com

Stuck Button On Key Fob

Ensure none of the key fobs have a stuck button, this can cause locking and unlocking issues.

Water Damage

If your Edge keeps locking and/or unlocking itself this can be caused by corrosion or water on the contacts on the switch inside the door.

You can try removing the door trim and using a hairdryer to dry out the electrical components.

Auto Locking

If the doors lock whilst driving then this is due to the Auto Locking feature which can be disabled in vehicle settings.

Autolock locks all the doors when all of the following occur:

  • All doors are closed.
  • The ignition is on.
  • Your vehicle reaches a speed greater
    than 12 mph (20 km/h).

Faulty Door Switches (sensors)

The door switch (sensor) is designed to detect whether the car door is open or closed. If these are broken or faulty they can relay incorrect signals and affect the locking of doors.

Electrical Issues

There could be a problem with the Remote Keyless Entry module or with the Body Control Module in which case you will need to have your dealer take a look.

There have been a number of electrical issues reported by Edge owners, these can be hard to identify and resolve although you can try disconnecting the 12V for 15 minutes to see if that works.

8. Ford Edge Not Locking or Unlocking With Key Fob

If your Ford Edge won’t lock or unlock with the key fob then this is usually a problem with the key fob.

This includes:

  • Dirty contacts inside the fob – clean with a cotton swab and contact cleaner
  • A weak fob battery – change the battery in your fob(s)
  • A faulty key fob – have your fob replaced or reprogrammed

Try using your spare fob and see if that works – if it does then you know that there likely an issue with the original fob.

Other causes can include:

  • A weak of faulty 12V battery
  • BCM issues
  • Wiring issues / electrical short
  • Door not shut properly

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