Ford Maverick Beeping Problems? (21 Common Causes)

The Ford Maverick is a compact workhorse.

To alert the driver it uses various beeps, chimes, tones and audible warnings.

If you’re unsure why your Maverick keeps beeping, this article is here to help.

Ford Maverick Beeping: Headlights ON

One of the most common causes of beeping on a Ford Maverick is that the headlights are ON.

An audible warning will sound if you have left the driver door open and the exterior lamps are ON. You may have accidentally switched the headlight to ON by hitting it with your knee or leg, simply switch the headlights to AUTO.

“Headlights “On” instead of “Auto”?” –

“I had the same issue but figured it out. It’s the headlights. You need to turn them to “auto.” The beeping is trying to warn you that your headlights are technically still on. The “auto” setting tells the truck they’re off so it doesn’t beep.” –

“Thank you for all your help. It was the headlight switch. Turned to auto. Problem solved.” –

Some owners have even reported that the switch had changed to ON without touching it, and this has also been widely reported on the Mustang Mach-E too, which you can read about here.

“I have had this same issue happen twice now, with today being the second episode. It was the same error, the headlights were “On” and not on “Auto”and U was getting a warning beep upon vehicle exit. The strange thing is that I have never touched the headlight selector knob since I picked up the truck in November. I like the Auto headlight setting so I keep it there. I’m positive I didn’t accidentally move or nudge the button. Now that it happened a second time, I think the headlight switch may be randomly changing settings on its own. I’d be curious to hear if any others have had this same experience.” –

“Just had the same issue today. Never touched the switch and suddenly it’s dinging.” –

Since the headlights being on will cause the chime to sound, it is also possible the headlight switch has a loose connection or is faulty.

Ford Maverick Beeping: Airbag Warning Light

A cause of beeping on a Ford Maverick is the airbag warning lamp has blown in the gauge cluster – you will hear a series of 5 beeps. The problem is not necessarily related to the airbags themselves, however if the bulb has blown then the beeping noise is the only way to alert the driver to a light that is no longer working.

There is a quick and simple way to check this:

  1. Turn the key to the ‘ON’ position.
  2. Observe the gauge cluster
  3. All lamps should illuminate, including the airbag lamp
  4. If it doesn’t you will hear the beeping noise

If there is no light for the airbag warning in the dash when you turn the key on, then you’ll need to replace the bulb and the beeping should stop, be sure to also check for loose connections.

If changing the faulty bulb didn’t do the trick or you’re not confident to change the bulb yourself, we recommend contacting your local Ford dealership.

What Does The Manual Say?

The restraints control module also monitors the readiness of the above safety devices [seatbelts, airbags, safety canopy] plus the crash and occupant sensors.

The readiness of the safety system is indicated by a warning indicator in the instrument cluster or by a backup tone if the warning indicator is not working.

Routine maintenance of the airbag is not required.

A difficulty with the system is indicated by one or more of the following:

  • The readiness light will not illuminate immediately after you switch the ignition on.
  • The readiness light either flashes or stays on.
  • You hear a series of five beeps. The tone pattern repeats periodically until the problem, the light or both are repaired.

Why Is My Ford Maverick Beeping?

1. Double Horn Beep When Exiting

A number of Maverick owners have reported a double horn beep when exiting when the engine is OFF and opening the door.

“Has this been resolved? Mine has recently started doing this…like the OP. Car is off, key fob in my pocket, open driver door, 2 annoying honks..” –

“Every once in a long while, not every time… when I shut off my Maverick, my horn beeps twice. Any idea why?” –

The exact cause remains a mystery although a suggested solution is to take a short pause before exiting the truck to allow the computer time to register the engine is OFF and in PARK. However, it is possible there is some kind of bug or glitch that will need to be addressed by Ford, Ford may also be able to disable the beep with ForScan.

“Mine does it and it seems randomly. Only thing I can think is that I open the door before the computer has a chance to confirm the vehicle is off and in park.” –

“My XL has been doing this, random and annoying as hell. I think a poster above is correct that it’s some sort of timing thing in the computer. Need to see if I can totally disable the double honk in forscan.” –

“My Ecoboost XLT double beeps on occasion, feels like it happens when I open the door too quickly after shutting the truck down. With the Lariat it might be related to the proximity key. When I first got annoyed by the double-beep I found a few F150 guys complaining about something similar, along with instructions to disable via. Forscan.” –

2. Dashcam Beeps

If you have a dashcam equipped, check to make sure it’s not the source of your beeping. If you hear the beep after going over a bump or a rough patch of road etc. then this is likely the dashcam recording an incident notification. You will need to adjust the sensitivity and/or volume settings.

Check the settings on your dashcam to see what warnings are enabled and adjust them to suit your needs.

3. Engine Running And Key Fob Outside The Vehicle

If the truck engine is ON and you walk away with the key fob in your pocket, you can expect to hear a double horn beep.

“Is the Truck running when you exit the vehicle? Mine does it when I exit the vehicle with the truck running and have the fob in my pocket.” –

“The keys have left the car, but the car is still on/running… I get the same thing.” –

4. Doors And Locks Audible Warnings

An audible warning will sound when a door is not fully closed or removed and your vehicle is moving.

Make sure the door isn’t being obstructed and the latches are free from dirt and debris.

“If you lock the door and one of the doors is not closed all the way it will give you two beeps as well.” –

5. Navigation Alerts

Many mysterious beeps can be attributed to navigation alerts and this is common on many vehicles. You can disable the navigation or the navigation alerts to see if the problem goes away.

You may hear alerts for nearby “school zones” or “red light cameras” etc.

If you have Waze enabled this can beep if you exceed a certain speed limit.

In some cases your navigation system may need rebooting to clear any bugs or glitches.

6. Headlights ON

An audible warning will sound if you have left the driver door open and the exterior lamps are ON. You may have accidentally switched the headlight to ON by hitting it with your knee or leg, simply switch the headlights to AUTO.

7. Airbag Bulb Burnt Out

As previously mentioned at the start of the article, a burnt-out airbag light can cause beeps. The fix is simple, replace the bulb.

However, the beeps can also be an indication of an issue with the airbag system, in which case you should contact your dealer.

The tone pattern repeats periodically until the problem, the light or both are repaired.

8. Turning Off Truck Without Pressing The Brake At The Same Time

One forum user shared this cause of beeping:

“Husband had a small issue with truck beeping sometimes when he got out of the truck and beeping when he got back in later. Turns out that if you turn off the truck without pressing the brake at the same time, it beeps to let you know that the truck hasn’t completely shut down.”

9. Fob battery

A low key fob battery can cause a wide range of issues, including mysterious beeping noises.

Make sure your key fob battery has plenty of life left and the inside of the fob is clean.

10. Transmission Not In Park

A warning sound will occur under the following scenarios:

  • You switch your vehicle off before shifting into park (P).
  • You open the driver door before shifting into park (P).
  • You unlatch your seatbelt before shifting into park (P) when the driver door is removed.

However, there may be an issue with the shifter sensor that detects the position of the shifter.

11. Electric Parking Brake On

You will hear an audible warning if the parking brake is applied and your vehicle is moving.

If the warning sound carries on after you have released the parking brake, this indicates a problem and you should have your vehicle checked as soon as possible.

12. Phone Alerts

Your phone or one of the apps could be the source of your beeping, especially if it is connected by Bluetooth to the vehicle.

13. Seatbelt Sensor

If you have weight on a seat such as a bag of groceries, a dog or a laptop, the car may think you have a passenger not wearing their seatbelt and thus will make a beeping noise.

If you need to place items on the seat and don’t want to hear the seatbelt chime, simply buckle the seatbelt.

14. Faulty Parking Sensors

A warning tone sounds when your vehicle approaches an object. As your vehicle moves closer to an object, the rate of the tone increases.

The sensors however may be dirty, damaged or faulty which could be causing the mysterious beeps.

15. Weak 12V Battery

A weak 12V battery can cause a myriad of problems.

To rule this out of the equation, simply have a battery health check performed.

These can be done at AutoZone for free.

Also check to ensure the connections are tight and free of dirt and grime.

16. Electronic Devices Inside or Outside of The Car

The beeping may not actually be coming from your Maverick. Do you have any other electronic or battery-powered devices in your vehicle or your garage that could be causing the beeping? Usually, it’s their batteries going bad.

For example, a garage door opener, a smoke alarm, a carbon monoxide detector, or a dropped wristwatch.

There are even prank beeping devices that a friend may have hidden in the truck.

17. Faulty latches Or Switches

If you are experiencing beeping whilst driving your Ford Maverick this may be caused by a faulty door switch or latch, if you have a ‘door ajar’ light on the dashboard then this is almost certainly the case.

Faulty latches are quite common – you may need to have it replaced although you should first try giving all latches a good clean and spraying with something like WD-40.

Similarly door switches can fail over time – they report the open/closed status of the door and might be sending false readings to the car’s computer.

18. Damaged Wires

A damaged electrical wire can cause a number of issues and may be the source of the beeping. You can attempt a visual inspection although the best thing to do is have an auto electrician run some scans on your vehicle.

19. Vehicle Requires Software Update

Some mysterious beeps might be rectified by simply updating the software on your vehicle.

To ensure your vehicle is always up to date ensure automatic updates are enabled and you are running the latest software.

  1. Press Settings on the touchscreen.
  2. Press Software Update.
  3. Switch Automatic Updates ON.

20. Blind Spot Monitoring

The audible alerts you are hearing could simply be linked to the blind spot monitoring.

This beep should occur (when enabled) if there is a vehicle in your blindspot and you are attempting to change lanes.

21. Aftermarket Systems

Aftermarket alarms or various other aftermarket systems can be a source of beeps. If you are not mechanically inclined have an auto electrician take a look for you to see if you have one fitted and whether or not it can or should be removed.

Alternative Suggestions

Check for Recalls or TSBs

By entering your car’s VIN number on Ford’s recall page or the NTHSA’s Safety Issues & Recalls page you can determine whether or not there is a TSB or recall for your vehicle and if there is you’ll want to get it addressed.

A recall is issued by a vehicle manufacturer for issues that are safety-related, while a TSB covers components that may be malfunctioning but don’t compromise the safety of the vehicle.

Disconnect the Battery

Sometimes mysterious beeping problems can disappear with a simple reboot, there are no guarantees here but it’s worth a try.

Disconnect the battery for 20 seconds and this resets many of the electronics in the vehicle.

Check For Warning Messages

When the beeping occurs can you see any lights or warning messages on the instrument panel?

This can give a clue as to what’s causing the beeps e.g. ‘Door Ajar’.

Take it to a Ford Dealership

If needed, take your Ford to the dealership.

Tell them you are NOT paying for a check on what the problem might be.

Ask them if they will check it for free.

Most dealerships and other places do quick/initial diagnosis for no money as they plan to make money for the repair of your vehicle.

If your unit is still under warranty then they should fix and resolve the issue for free.

Diagnose With a Scanner

Another option that can help you get to the bottom of your beeping issue is to use an OBD2 diagnostic scanner tool.

These are fairly simple to use and you simply plug them into your car’s OBD port under the steering wheel.

There are also OBD apps available so you can connect your car straight to your smartphone (either with a cable or Bluetooth) without even needing a scanner.

Most professional mechanics will also have access to FORScan, which is the software that Ford dealerships use to communicate with the car.

Once you have the codes, you can narrow down the source of the problem by researching online. You can also sign up to different Internet forums dedicated specifically for your vehicle and post your symptoms and issues.



  • Growing up with a father who was a mechanic I had an appreciation for cars and motorcycles from an early age. I shared my first bike with my brother that had little more than a 40cc engine but it opened up a world of excitement for me, I was hooked. As I grew older I progressed onto bigger bikes and...

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