Thefts from Cars Are the Leading Source of Stolen Firearms

On average, at least one gun is stolen from a vehicle in the United States every nine minutes

The number of guns stolen from cars is increasing, raising concerns for law enforcement because these firearms are frequently used in other crimes.

Law enforcement officials and gun experts urge gun owners not to leave their weapons in their vehicles.

“Just don’t leave it in the car,” advised Steve Thompson, owner of Adco Firearms in Sylvania. “There’s no effective way to secure a gun in a car when you’re not there. Glove boxes are easy to break into. While there are small gun safes that can be secured in a vehicle, thieves often steal the safe and then open it at home.”

In Toledo, records indicate that multiple cases of guns stolen from cars are reported to the police almost every week.

“It’s crucial to remind gun owners to store their firearms responsibly,” said Toledo police Lt. Paul Davis. “Firearms can easily fall into the wrong hands when left inside vehicles. Residents in need of gun locks can contact their local Community Services officer to obtain them free of charge.”

Nationally, the rate of guns stolen from cars has tripled over the past decade, making vehicle thefts the leading source of stolen firearms, according to an analysis of FBI data released on May 9 by the Everytown gun safety group.

This analysis, which examined crime data from 337 cities of various sizes across 44 states, covering roughly 63 million people, found that nearly 112,000 guns were reported stolen in 2022 from various sources, including homes, gun shops, cars, and individuals. Of those, 62,000—just over half (51 percent)—were stolen from vehicles. A decade ago, about a quarter of gun thefts were attributed to cars, according to the report.

The increase in gun theft from vehicles has been consistent over the past decade, with a significant spike during the pandemic.

Cars parked at residences (in driveways, outside homes, etc.) are the most common source of stolen guns, highlighting the importance of securely storing firearms at all times and locations,” the report states.


  • Growing up with a father who was a mechanic I had an appreciation for cars and motorcycles from an early age. I shared my first bike with my brother that had little more than a 40cc engine but it opened up a world of excitement for me, I was hooked. As I grew older I progressed onto bigger bikes and...

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