Where Are Jeep Grand Cherokees Made? (Solved & Explained)

The success of the SUV is undeniable in recent years. More and more people  are choosing an SUV for their everyday commuting needs. One SUV that  stands out amongst the rest, is the Jeep Grand Cherokee.  

Dating back all the way to 1992, the Grand Cherokee became the first  Chrysler-badged Jeep product. 

So, where do these iconic SUVs come from? Where are they assembled and  manufactured?

The 2-row Jeep Grand Cherokee is made at the Jefferson North Assembly Plant in Detroit, Michigan. The newly revealed  Grand Cherokee L (3-row) will begin assembly in 2021 at the Mack Avenue Assembly Complex, which is also in Detroit, Michigan. 

Where Are Jeep Grand Cherokees Being Made? 

The Grand Cherokee has been assembled at Jefferson North since 1992. The  Jefferson Plant was opened in 1991, and the first vehicle it ever manufactured was the Grand Cherokee, which it continues to manufacture to this very day. 

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (now Stellantis North America) unveiled a new  version of the Grand Cherokee, called the Grand Cherokee L.

Instead of building this model alongside the 2-row Grand Cherokee at the Jefferson  Complex, they decided to reopen the Mack Avenue Engine Complex to build this model, which is directly across the street from the Jefferson Complex.  Mack Avenue Engines II had been at idle since 2012. 

FCA had said while 3-row Grand Cherokees are being built at Mack Avenue,  they will retool the Jefferson Plant, in order to build both 2 and 3 row Grand  Cherokees there, eventually. 

Grand Cherokees manufactured for the European market were assembled in  Graz, Austria, by a company called Magna Steyr, from 1992-2010. 

The Grand Cherokee WK2 was also manufactured in Cairo, Egypt as a joint  venture called Arab American Vehicles. 

Furthermore, in previous years Chrysler assembled Grand Cherokees at Carabobo Assembly, in Venezuela. 

You may also be interested in our article: 11 Jeep Grand Cherokee facts & statistics

Are Grand Cherokees for the U.S. Market Produced in the  U.S.? 

Yes, they are. As of right now, all Grand Cherokees made for the U.S. market  are built right in the heart of Motor City.  

There is no denying that the Jeep division remains very American-made even  to this day. The majority of Jeep models are assembled by Americans, for  Americans. 

Are They Being Assembled in The U.S.?

All Jeep Grand Cherokees are presently being assembled in the U.S.  

However, previous models were manufactured in different parts of the world. 

For instance, Austria, Venezuela and Egypt all used to assemble Grand  Cherokees. 

How Can You Check Where a Specific Grand Cherokee Was Produced? 

If you wish to look up where your vehicle was manufactured, you can do so  my looking at the 17-digit VIN. 

The VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is a 17-digit number which contains  information about your vehicle. This includes manufacturer’s location.  

The VIN can be found by looking through the windshield on the dash, or in  the driver’s door jamb. 

The first character of the VIN is the manufacturer’s location. For Grand  Cherokees made in the United States, it will be a 1, 4 or 5. Austria – VA-VE, Venezuela – 8X-82, and Egypt – DA-DE. 

VIN reading can be fairly complicated, and there is a long list of countries  worldwide who manufacture automobiles. So, if you are ever unsure of how  to read a VIN on any vehicle, a quick Google search should point you in the  right direction. 

To give more examples, a 2 means it was built in Canada, 3, Mexico, J  means Japan, K means South Korea, so on, so forth. You get the picture.

If you look at the 11th character of the VIN, it gives the information of which  assembly plant the vehicle was made in (Jefferson North’s letter is “C”).  

Related: 24 Best & Worst Jeep Grand Cherokee Years (With Facts & Stats)

Are Japanese or European Built Grand Cherokees Better? 

The Grand Cherokee was never manufactured in Japan, only in Europe, so  this question does not really apply to this model. 

European-built Grand Cherokees only exist until 2010. Now, all Grand  Cherokees are manufactured in Detroit, Michigan. 

Where Is the Grand Cherokee Designed? 

The first-generation Grand Cherokee was designed by AMC in the 80’s. It  was meant to be a successor to the smaller Cherokee. Once AMC was  bought out by Chrysler, the Grand Cherokee was born, being released in  1992.  

Flash forward to present day, and the latest Grand Cherokee models are  designed at the Chrysler World Headquarters and Technology Center in  Auburn Hills, Michigan. 

Where are Grand Cherokees Made for The Australian  Market?

Grand Cherokees made for the Australian market are assembled in Detroit,  Michigan, and shipped via car carriers (which is essentially a large cargo ship  made for carrying automobiles). 

Where are Grand Cherokees Made for The Canadian  Market? 

Grand Cherokees are made in Detroit, Michigan, and shipped across the border usually by rail. 

Where are Grand Cherokees Made for The UK Market? 

From 1992-2010 Grand Cherokees manufactured for the European market  were assembled in Graz, Austria, by a company called Magna Steyr. 

Now they are all assembled in America, and exported to the U.K.

Is Jeep Planning to Move its Production? 

Jeep is not planning on any major changes to its production location.

The  Jeep plants that are established are deep rooted in their community, and  have the infrastructure already in place to continue production. 

More specifically, the Grand Cherokee is moving production to the Mack  Avenue Engine Complex, where they will build 3-row Grand Cherokees L  models.

Once the Jefferson plant undergoes some retooling, they will move  the model back there to build both 2 and 3 row Grand Cherokees at the  Jefferson Plant. 

Is Jeep Hiring or Firing in the U.S.? 

The Belvidere plant that manufactures the Compass has faced numerous challenges in the last few years. This is directly correlated to the lack of sales and interest in the Compass. 

This plant has face numerous layoffs and even shutdowns. 

However, the manufacturing of the Grand Cherokee at the Mack Avenue  Engine Complex, should see a small increase in jobs for Americans. 

In conclusion, Jeep remains relatively strong for job security.

Related: Jeep Grand Cherokee Tune-Up & Maintenance Costs

Is Jeep an American Company? 

Jeep is as American as it gets. The beginning of Jeep started in World War II,  under the name “Willys”.

This utility vehicle played an important role in  Americas success in the war.  

Fast forward to present day, and Jeep manufactures and sells most of its  vehicles right at home.




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