Honda Fit Beeping Problems? (7 Causes & Solutions)

If you’re unsure what is causing your Honda Fit to beep this can be frustrating, worrying and quite annoying too.

In this short guide we will help you find the root cause of your beeping problem.

Honda Fit Beeping

The most common cause of beeping on a Honda Fit is due to the auto-lock walk-away feature. Other causes include the seatbelt sensor, the navigation system, a short in the wiring, key fob left in the car, the door is open whilst driving or simultaneously pressing the gas and brake whilst driving.

There could be a number of different reasons why your Fit is beeping, we’ve outlined the main reasons below.

Common Causes

Some obvious causes for a Fit that beeps are:

  • Fob still in the car
  • Car is not in P (park)
  • Door is open whilst the car is running
  • Car is not shut down completely
  • Pressing the gas and the brake simultaneously
  • Auto-lock walk-away feature

Keys Left in the Trunk

If you left your key fob is in the trunk then this will trigger a beeping noise to alert you.

You’d be surprised how many people have accidentally left a spare set in the trunk.

Car Not Turned Off Properly

If you forget to turn off the engine by pushing the start/stop button and then walk away from the car, you will hear a beeping noise and be unable to lock it.

You might think it’s because you forgot to put the car in park when in fact it’s because the car hasn’t been shut off.

Car Left in Accesory Mode

If you left the car in accessory mode this can trigger a beeping sound.

Seatbelt Sensor

Another common cause for beeping is caused by the passenger seatbelt sensor.

The sensor itself may be broken or it might be causing a beep if there is weight on the passenger seat such as groceries, a bag or even your dog.

An easy test for this will be to fasten the seatbelt and see if the noise stops.

It’s always a good idea to ensure all doors and the trunk are shut properly too.

Related: Honda Fit Alarm Going Off? (13 Causes & Solutions)

Gauge Cluster

It’s a good idea to check the gauge cluster to see if there are any warning lights on when you hear the beeping, this could indicate where the problem lies.

You should also do a visual check to see if any bulbs have blown in the gauge cluster as on some car models this can trigger a beeping sound.

Accessory Plugged in 12V Outlet

Your Fit for whatever reason may not like the accessory you have connected in the 12V Power Outlet.

Some owners have found by disconnecting their charging devices/electronics from the outlet the beeping has ceased.

Honda Fit Beeps 3 Times

If you hear three beeps this is likely related to the walk-away auto-lock feature. If you walk away too quickly, this can trigger the three beeps to warn you the car has not been locked.

The owners manual states:

When all doors have been closed and the smart entry remote is inside the vehicle, or if the smart entry remote is not detected within about 8 feet (2.5 m) of the vehicle, the auto-lock function will not be activated.

If you step too far from the vehicle (more than 2.5 feet), before hearing the first beep and you walk away you will hear the triple beep.

Try adding a short pause before walking away from the vehicle and make sure the panel/computers are completely shut down with a Honda screen with a logo.

Alternatively, just open and shut the door again – this method has worked for some owners.

Honda Fit Beeps When Walking Away

The auto-lock walk-away feature is the number one cause of beeping when walking away from the vehicle. The feature can trigger a beeping noise for a number of different reasons but usually it means the function has not activated and the car hasn’t locked properly.

The auto-lock feature can trigger warning beeps for several reasons:

  • The smart entry remote has been left in the vehicle
  • A door has not been closed properly
  • The car has not been turned off and you exited the vehicle with the smart entry remote
  • Its possible you walked away from the vehicle too quickly – stay within 5 feet of the vehicle when you get out and close all the doors and then wait until you hear a second beep before walking away.
  • Your mobile phone or other electronic devices could be interfering with the smart entry remote signal (very common).

How to Enable or Disable Auto-Lock Walk-Away Feature

  1. With the vehicle in park and the ignition on, go to the ‘Home’ screen on the display and select ‘Settings’.
  2. Then select ‘Vehicle’
  3. Then select ‘Keyless Access Setup’
  4. Then select ‘Walk Away Auto Lock’
  5. From here you can either choose ‘Enable’ or ‘Disable’

Now when you exit the car with the fob and all the doors and tailgate are shut properly, the car will beep once whilst you’re still in close proximity.

Then, when you are at least 8 feet away it will beep again to indicate that everything is now locked.

Listen for both beeps to be certain it’s locked.

Honda Fit Doesn’t Beep When Locking the Doors

If your Honda Fit does not beep when you lock the doors, this means that the Keyless Lock Answer Back feature is turned off.

When you exit your Fit and lock it using the fob, you have the option of having beeping ‘on’ or ‘off’. This can be adjusted using the Keyless Lock Answer Back feature.

This can be set from the display unit.

  1. Go to menu
  2. Using the scrolling wheel, go down to ‘Settings’
  3. Then scroll down to ‘Vehicle Settings’
  4. Then scroll down to ‘Door/Window Setup’
  5. Then scroll down to ‘Keyless Lock Answer Back’

If it’s on ‘Off’ the car will make no sound when you lock it.

If its ‘On’ it will beep when you lock it

Then just use the return / back button to get back to the main screen.

Honda Fit Fast Beeping

Fast or rapid beeping is an indication that the auto-lock walk-away feature has failed, and the car is not locked. Make sure you manually lock the vehicle using your key fob if you hear the fast beeps.

The Honda owners manual states:

Auto lock function operation stop beeper

After the auto lock function has been activated, the auto lock operation stop beeper sounds for approximately two seconds in the following cases.

  • The smart entry remote is put inside the vehicle through a window.
  • You are located too close to the vehicle.
  • The smart entry remote is put inside the trunk.
  • If the warning beeper sounds, check that you are carrying the smart entry remote. Then, open/close door and confirm the auto lock activation beeper sounds once.

If you walk away from your Fit whilst it’s still running with your key fob in your pocket this can cause a series of fast beeps.

This won’t necessarily stop the vehicle running, however if you or someone else were to drive off without the key fob, once you have stopped and turned the car off you would be unable to start it again.

The fast beeps may also be because you have not fully closed the trunk, a window is ajar or a door in not fully closed.

You may also be interested in our article: How Long Do Honda Fit Last?

Honda Fit Beeps While Driving

If the beeps are occurring whilst driving then not the auto-lock feature causing the problem.

Simultaneously Pressing Gas and Brake Pedal

If you accidentally press the gas and the brake pedal at the same time whilst driving this can trigger a warning beep.

This can trigger varying degrees of beeping and is a safety feature found on various Honda models.

Navigation System

If your Honda Fit is beeping while you are driving this might be caused by the Navigation system.

Driver Assistance Features

The beeps may be caused by driver assistance features such as Blind-Spot Warning, Road Departure Mitigation System or Collision Warning.

It could be the Adaptive Cruise Control Forward Vehicle Detect Beep if the beeping occurs only when the Adaptive Cruise Control is set. This beeping can be disabled at the head unit.

It may also be the SportsFlash Alert Beep feature of Sirius XM’s Live Sports Alert feature, this too can be disabled.

Sometimes these tech features are glitchy and can have random bugs which may also be why they sometimes beep unexpectedly.

Note: The Blind Spot Information System doesn’t beep unless it detects a vehicle when using your turn signal.

Honda Fit Beeping When Door Open

If you open your Fit doors and hear a beep or beeping then this is the car’s way of drawing your attention to something. It is most likely you have left your lights on or there is a short in the wiring either in the ignition cylinder, steering column, or the seat belt sensor.

If there is an electrical connection fault in the wiring then this will activate a chime or warning sound as the car thinks you haven’t fastened your seatbelt or left the key in the ignition and is alerting you not to lock the doors until you have the keys out.

Honda is well known for their ignition switches wearing out and shorting and there have been several recalls for this.

To see if your Fit was affected by this recall you should do a check on Honda’s website, you’ll need your VIN number.

This beeping could also be related to the auto-lock function.

Related: 9 Common Honda Fit Locking Problems (Solved & Explained)



  • Growing up with a father who was a mechanic I had an appreciation for cars and motorcycles from an early age. I shared my first bike with my brother that had little more than a 40cc engine but it opened up a world of excitement for me, I was hooked. As I grew older I progressed onto bigger bikes and...

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